Recorded union of
homosexual couples - legal, hereditary and fiscal
The homosexual couples are always
discriminated in many social amble, professional and
economic. The oppression endured from the homosexuals
couples are not available. In some countries of the world,
the homosexuality is even endorsed from the criminal code,
which for similar contingency
previews nothing little less than the
death penalty.
In Switzerland, the social woven is
fortunately developed in the course of the last years and
the sexual tolerance seems an acquired fact now, at least
in the majority of the voting population. Evidence is that
in the course of the month of June 2005, the Helvetic
people have adopted for legal way the new federal law on
the recorded domestic union of homosexual couples, which
remarkably improves the legal position of the homosexual
couples, even if the same one cannot be equivalent to 100
% to the wedding. Like described later on, many rights and
duties of the institute of the wedding, they are found
again consolidates also in the new law in review.
The new federal law permit the
homosexual couples to record their union de facto to the
Office of the marital status and therefore to guarantee
and to sanction the inviolability of the legal profile.
The domestic union of homosexual couples, if duly
recorded, beyond consolidating the affective cohesion, it
represents the dowel most important in order to regularize
and to consolidate with rights and mutual duties a union,
that for many aspects is comparable to the wedding.
Moreover, in fiscal, hereditary ambit, of the social
assurances and the professional provident, the new law
equalize the homosexual couples by the same standards of
those heterosexual.
There are however limits,
intentionally tax from the legislator. As an example, to
an homosexual couple it is not granted to adopt a child.
Also the new metolocally of assisted procreation (artificial
insemination) are not legally possible. For the
homosexual couple, is therefore still not possible to
found a family in the true sense of the word. Also
however, although determined limitations, it can calmly be
asserted, that a greatest step ahead has been berthed in
the Helvetic legislation, to tutelary much good the
homosexual couples, that they have now the opportunity to
consolidate legally their communion and to adopt
responsibility, rights and mutual duties.
The law in narrative regulates very
in detail and in a prominent way the union of homosexual
As saying, two persons of the same
sex can recording their union de facto by the
Office of Civil Status. In
such case, the recorded persons will not be considered
like spouses, but as couple disciplined from a recorded
domestic union. The law previews much precise conditions
for being able to perfect this recording. Both of the
partners must have completed the 18° year of age and be
able of discernment. The recorded union, as an example is
prohibited between related in direct
line and german brothers or sisters, blood
relations or uterine.
It goes from himself that both of
the partners do not have already be bound from a recorded
domestic union or from a wedding. Saying otherwise, the
partners must be free from the point of view of the
Civil Status. Saying still
otherwise, who is bound from a recorded domestic union
cannot contract wedding. It will be remembered that the
wedding between persons of the same sex celebrates in the
foreign country is not recognized in Switzerland. From the
point of view of the Swiss authorities, these couples
cannot be considered united from the matrimonial tie.
However, the change of the surname taken part later on to
a wedding of this kind can be enrolled in the Swiss
registries of the Civil Status.
According to the federal law on the recorded domestic
union of homosexual couples, a celebrated valid wedding in
the foreign country between persons of the same sex will
be recognized in Switzerland like recorded domestic union.
The recording near the Office of the
Civil Status goes personally
carried out from both partners and must be corroborated
from one official document series, that our company
Miralux Fiduciaria Sagl can demand and prepare for the
disposed customers to perfect the recording.
It is useful to underline that the
recording of the domestic union is public. That means that
all the citizens can verify the recording of the unions by
the Office of the Civil Status.
The homosexuals partners who have
recorded their union are obligate to assist themselves and
to mutually respect
themselves, beyond that to supply in common to the
maintenance of the domestic union, everyone in the measure
of the own availabilities. Moreover, they can decide (to
sell, to rent, to cancel a leas contract,
to pawn, to mortgage, etc.)
of their common habitation only with the consent of
both. Upon request they must exchanged mutual
information on their yields, the substance and the debits,
as it happens already for law for the
heterosexual couples.
If a partner does not adepter to the
obligation of maintenance and/or of the attendance to
favours of the other partner, this last one can boldness
the lawyers ways and demand to the judge the fulfilment
The recording of the domestic union,
it does not have consequences on the legal surname. Every
partner maintains just the own surname.
During the common life, every
partner represents the domestic union for the needs
currents of the same one, of such risen that its actions
obligate firmly also the other partner. However, every
partner has the own possessions and answers personally of
its debits. In order to avoid misunderstood, every partner
can prepare an inventory of its possessions, operation
that the Miralux Fiduciaria Sagl can help you to draft.
For through of one patrimonial
convention, that the Miralux Fiduciaria Sagl can assist
you in its writing, the partners can agree to a special
regulation in case of dissolution of the recorded union.
Moreover, always through one convention of this nature, it
is possible to decide that the possessions of the partners
are uniforms according to determined lawyers norms rather
than others. In practical, the recorded couples, can,
through one special convention, to equip of a legal
discipline on measure to dependency of their requirements
and expectations.
A convention in such sense is as an
example highly advisable in the case in which one of the
partners had sons. The convention will have to discipline
various problems of legal and hereditary nature that could
For how much it concerns the right
of the aliens and the Swiss citizenship, they are worth
the same conditions that are applied to the heterosexual
spouses. For the recorded couples however is not given the
possibility to approach the procedure of facilitated
In the within of the successory
right, the social assurances and the professional
provident, the law previews for the homosexual couples the
same rights and duties of the heterosexual spouses. It is
however opportune to regulate
such aspect by means of one special convention
and/or a testament. It does not go in fact to forget that
the law in narrative is newest and that for same does not
exist some previous jurisprudential, neither in
Switzerland, neither to the foreign country. It will be
therefore easy to be comprised as it is difficult to
regulate and to preview determined situations
where, as it is the
case in the this legally newest within, experiences and
decisions do not exist.
In so far as the Miralux Fiduciaria
Sagl will be able to assist you and to advise at best what
is to do.
Tasks as an example to the fact that
the law previews for the couple that it wants to melt the
union of common agreement, the obligation to address to
the civil judge. If the partners live separate at least to
one year, the dissolution
of the recorded union on request of a single partner is
also possible. In such event, to determined, restrictive
conditions, the civil judge can order the contributions of
maintenance in favour of a partner and to load of the
With the new law, they previews
finally that a partner, that for years it has been taken
care of the economy and the domestic attendance for its
partner, it has straight for law to a part of the
inheritance. The portion of inheritance is in such
identical case of the spouse survivor of one heterosexual
Thanks to the new law, a partner who
interrupts its lucrative activity in order to dedicate
itself to the cure of its partner can now look at itself
to recognize one unearned income of maintenance in case of
dissolution of the recorded union.
With the recording of their union,
the homosexual partners have therefore the possibility to
consolidate and to discipline in sure and clear way their
communion of life.
The law on the recorded domestic
union, although it does not imply
onerous adaptations to
the homosexual couples, it imposes previously nonexistent
rights and obligation. It is advisable this case to
preview through one convention the relationships for
debit/asset between the
The recorded domestic union is the
most modern legal institute, truly much flexible, that
detailed list is lend much well to a regulation made on
measure for the homosexual couple, that through a special
convention it can therefore regulate the own advantages,
tasks and obligation.
It is remembered that the law on the
recorded domestic union will enter in vigour, in all
probability, the 1st January 2007.
The Miralux
Fiduciaria Sagl will be able to accompany and to advise
you on the provisions to adopt subsequently and in the
meantime to the entrance in vigour of the law.